Bad Wildungen. (OK) Since long has not there been any Fruit Terrace in English, but today. The editors office starts up again with lovely English versions of the best of articles in this magazine. Also because of the female football soccer Championship for Western Europe that plays in London. But todays subject has got nothing to do with football whatsoever but court cases of Healing. Processes of healing can be helped by several court cases. Luck belongs to it, lovely food, or the right atmospere. But nothing is such as
Magdeburg. (OKO) The very young Lager Party Anhalt (PPA) has won the elections at Saxony-Stop (Sachsen-Anhalt, East Germany) early in the morning. It has only been founded a couple of weeks ago at Train Station Stop (Anhalter Bahnhof) of Berlin. Germany is caught by surprise, but not everybody. Saxony-Stop is the state of early birds. So it is no wonder really that the result was there at 5.30 am this morning. Election pubs closed at 6. All the regional mushroom lovers already had been down to the forests and collected
Frankfurt/M. (OK) Armin sees all red. Now the Prime Minister of the West German State of North Rhine Westfalia presented his new Corona strategy called Bridge Lockdown over troubled water, but nobody knows what it is all about. Helpless journalists have surrendered unconditionally. Laschet’s consultants wonder, what he has been vaccinated with. Red Astra Lager from Hamburg, Bromelain or Modern. Nobody knows anything, nobody understands, but Obstkurve (Fruit Terrace). The editors office plays the long ball to none. A result of the hard Walk in Football academy or the Ruhrgebiet.
Dortmund. (OK) One of the most legendary bands ever is the SVW. In English: Swimming-Club Wetshofen, SV Waldhof-Mannheim or Saturday morning nightmare. Obstkurve-cartoonist Olli (R.i.p.) looks back into the thrilling story of this world famous band, that has left us the legendary Single „The Moon is rising“. Released in 1987 on the very well known 20.53 hr Records Label of their own. The material was found deep in the archives of the Fanzine „Günther and die Test Flight Ladies“, the former magazine of SVW. Olli was one of the editors.
London. (OK) How the hell did the big Arc de Triomphe come from Paris to London? Very simple: Silently Dovehouse Green languished about in Chelsea. Because that is where it was all abut in 1984. Georg Orwell did not turn up. The Green did not know what do do, so it greened. Almost nobody used the comfortable benches. They were wooden. But soon they were going to be seated on. The fire brigade of the Chelsea Fire station played football. But also from another perspektive the park slumbered still however
Dortmund. (OK) In Frankreich, einziges glorreiches Nachbarland, wo streikende Arbeiter schon mal den ganzen Maschinenpark in den Fluss werfen, oder die Arbeiter ganz einfach die Teebeutelfabrik übernehmen, herrscht leckeres Bier. Wie im Bild zu sehen, perlen Perlen des Bieres sogar auf Tresen hierzulande herum, eingebettet zwischen Kaugummiautomaten und Le Mandarinen, wobei der Aperitif cordial ist, hinzukommt. Auch wenn der Satz unvollständig bleibt, wie beim Tennis. Perlembourg ersetzt die Kur Perlembourg ist nicht das einzige Bier, das auch blonde Frauen trinken können. Andere haben es auch. Dazu der praktische Schraubverschluss und
Munich/Nairobi. (OK) German Home Minister Horst Seehofer, based on the Zugspitzplateau, destroys the Lindensteet. Together with ARD-TV, Angela Merkel, Donald Trump, Wladimir Putin, Rapchef Erdohahn, Kim Yong Ill and Andrea Nahles, Loudspeaker of the SPD, he wants to kick the daily soap out. After Dieselgate, extreme rack renting, wage shredding, destruction of the health system, economical crisis and poverty: Now the attack against freedom of speech. But not with us. After we had stopped the sale of a house in Berlin for two minutes, Obstkurve achieved the end of summertime
Dortmund. (OK) Katzenköter on your radio. „Der Mond ist aufgegangen“ – „The moon is rising“ on air for supper in Channel 1 (Einslive) or whatever it is called. Klaus Fiehe was the DJ. Five minutes after the release of the Katzenköter LP „Hackfleisch“ the internationale Dubartist Alien Levi had constructed a gigantic Dub-version of „Hackfleisch“. The Hackdub is standing at the bar like the original which is a hit itself. You can even listen to it here under strange circumstances: Or over here under even worse: Or even